Digimon Staff Archive


Digimon is a media-mix franchise with stories and settings told across basically every type of existing media. There are Digimon anime, manga, webcomics, games, novels, web novels, books, booklets, manuals, magazines, CD dramas, stage dramas, stage plays, toy boxes, and more. Any piece of Digimon might hide something about the world of Digimon, and with such a diverse range of products, they also needed a diverse range of talented creators who worked hard to make each new work in this franchise.

This will be a general archive in which I’ll save profiles for various people who worked on Digimon to properly archive their importance in the series.

  • Horimura Ayumu: Was part of the Toys Business Division Planning and Development Department at Bandai. Worked in franchises such as “Tamagotchi”, “Digital Monster”, and “One Piece.
  • Tailmon Betsu: A Digimon Navigator that appeared in the Monthly V-Jump Magazine to promote Digimon merchandise using a Tailmon costume. Is known for being the basis for the Digimon “Betsumon”.

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